His trainer, Charles Byrnes, comes out and says: "The news is bad. Solwhit scoped dirty less than half an hour ago and while he is not definitely out of the Champion Hurdle there has to be a serious doubt about him running."
Solwhit goes out to 20 on Betfair, but springs back into 11.5 to lay by Monday night, in a matter of hours after the story.
Tuesday morning Byrnes comes out and says: "Solwhit coughed four or five times today. I more or less expected that to be the case, and that he would get worse before he gets better. I'm not optimistic and I have to say his chances of travelling are less than 50-50 at this stage."
Solwhit goes out to 18 this time, layers afraid to go back to 20s, and yet again in a matter of hours the price springs back to 10 to lay.
This morning to price jumps down to 8, before Byrnes says: "Solwhit breezed this morning and scoped clean afterwards, so we have decided to let him take his chance."
I dont have to say what were all thinking about the particular trainer.

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