Ended in profit on the first day which is nice. Looked to be gone for a while though, messed up on the horses twice and was looking at -58 at one stage. With only 42 left laid 110 runs or more on the cricket, wasn't half lucky as it ended 109 and traded lower than 1.1 i think. That took me back to level-ish and then got lucky again with a place lay that finish 4th, pipped for 3rd near the line! Very hard to play well on betfair with such a small bank, one loser and it's nearly kaput but happy to finish up for the day and off to the gym.
Cricket: EUR56.23 | Horse Racing: -EUR40.85 Total P&L: EUR15.38
PS. Just noticed posting the whole days P&L (each market) causes problems so the first line will have to do for the time being. Will look into screen shots weekly from now on with just the main line P&L each day.
Cheltenham 2025 - Day 2 preview
8 hours ago
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