No bets on betfair today, just the Xtraxtra bet with Paddy Power for the daily horse at 9/2, went off 11/4 so was very happy with the price. He had every chance today and wasnt good enough so no complaints.
I must have really low self esteem because I cant think of anything good or interesting to say about myself, I never even won a medal, got most improved footballer once but that just means ya were shite anyway. The blog was started to do the €100 to €100,000 Challenge, started on the 1st of March 2009 and still going, hopefully complete it some day but sure look I'll never run out of time. Hope you enjoy reading and feel free to comment etc, its all only a bit of craic at the end of the day anyway. Dont take anything I say too serious, even though I am the daddy..
Agreed, got the same price myself, felt the horse didnt quite have the required turn of foot, but hard to do so on the ground. Shame really.